Chat Channels, interaction in General.
In many other online games there is the choice to make up your own channels, and invite whomever to them. Admittedly these are mainly the monthly fee type MMOs, however I think it is something that is sorely needed if you play GW very often.
Obviously, being no student of programming, from what I have seen from GW it doesnt seem to support this kind of user created accessability, which is sad.
I was wondering just how easy/hard it would be to impliment say a few player created channels, or give players option to create channels, and how much the community of GW would both like this feature, and more importantly how much people in GW think this feature would BENEFIT the community.
If it is a popular idea, it really would be A.Nets best interests to attempt to impliment this, as a strong community generally means longer life expectancy for a game, and much greater acceptance of 'issues' and headaches in general regarding games.
The alliances concept, yes, is a step in this direction, and im probably a few months too late with this suggestion, but whatever, and better late than never.